DFI Monthly Bulletin – March 2010

April 12, 2010

Monthly Bulletin

Volume 13, Issue 9 – March 2010

DFI Partners with GoDirect® During Financial Literacy Month

Share your Events and Activities!

Financial Literacy Month is a nationwide campaign to highlight the importance of financial education and efforts to empower consumers to make informed financial decisions.

As a state-wide public awareness effort, California Financial Literacy Month is the perfect opportunity for financial literacy partners to share their efforts.  Such efforts might include placing messages about the benefits of direct deposit and the Direct Express® Debit MasterCard® card in their newsletters, presentations, lobbies and more. By doing so, partners are helping members of their communities protect their money and improve their financial health by switching from paper checks to electronic payments for their federal benefits.

It’s not too late to include similar information in activities your own organization already has planned. The campaign’s Financial Literacy Month tool kit contains new, free materials to help you include important messages about electronic payments in your existing financial literacy efforts.

To learn more about ways to get involved in the campaign during Financial Literacy Month and beyond, contact a campaign representative by calling (952) 346-6055 or visiting www.GoDirect.org.

Share your plans with DFI. We will post your information to the DFI California Financial Literacy Month Web page. The Web pages and resources will be shared with other financial literacy partners and the local media.

Don’t allow your efforts to go unnoticed

Send us information about your program and we will share it with our Web visitors and Twitter followers. Send a brief description of your program, including Web address and contact information to cflm@dfi.ca.gov.

Submit events and activities

If you have events or activities planned for Financial Literacy Month, submit them and we will post them to our Web site. Please include the following information: name, email, phone number, event title, event location, date, time, cost, and a brief description of the event/activity. If you have a flyer that describes the event, feel free to submit it.

Thank you for your commitment to financial literacy!

Follow DFI on Twitter

The Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) is now on Twitter. Join the conversations on Twitter at www.twitter.com.  To follow general information, follow @CaliforniaDFI; to follow California Financial Literacy Month efforts, follow @CAFLM; and to follow Alana Golden, Public Information Officer, follow @DFI_Alana. By following us on Twitter, you will be able to track the latest news and happenings at DFI.

It’s very easy to follow someone on Twitter. And you do not need to send out tweets yourself.

Go to www.twitter.com. Join the conversation, by clicking on Sign up now. Set up your account. Select any of the DFI user names to follow, again California_DFI or CAFLM or DFI_Alana. You can follow all three!

To help keep you informed, DFI also provides RSS and a Listserv. Visit the following links to sign up. http://feeds.feedburner.com/dfipressreleases and DFI Email Subscription.

For more information on DFI’s communications efforts, including social networking, please contact Alana Golden, Public Information Officer, agolden@dfi.ca.gov or 916-323-7012.

Valley First Credit Union to help in operation of Tracy Federal Credit Union

Valley First Credit Union, Modesto, a state-chartered credit union, will assist in the day to day running of Tracy Federal Credit Union, Tracy, which was placed into conservatorship by the National Credit Union Administration on March 18, 2010. Valley First Credit Union plans to keep the former Tracy FCU branches open.

Commercial Bank Activity

Conversion to State Charter

Bay Cities National Bank, Redondo Beach, to convert to state-chartered commercial bank under the name of Opus Bank
Approved: 3/18/10

Acquisition of Control

Grandpoint Capital, Inc., to acquire control of Santa Ana Business Bank
Filed: 3/4/10

Patriot Financial Partners, L.P. and Patriot Financial Partners Parallel, L.P., to acquire control of Heritage Oaks Bank
Filed: 3/18/10

Private Bancorp of America, Inc., to acquire control of San Diego Private Bank
Withdrawn: 3/15/10

Jeffrey T. Seabold, to acquire control of Premier Business Bank
Approved: 3/10/10

Steven A. Sugarman, to acquire control of Premier Business Bank
Approved: 3/10/10

Rex E. Schlaybaugh, Jr., to acquire control of San Diego Private Bank
Filed: 2/18/10

The Hutton Foundation, Timothy Marquez, and Leonard Himelsein, to acquire control of Bank of Santa Barbara
Filed: 2/4/10
Approved: 2/25/10


Bank of Escondido, Escondido, Sunrise Bank of San Diego, San Diego, and Sunrise Community Bank, Palm Desert, to merge with and into Point Loma Community Bank, San Diego, with the resulting institution being called Sunrise Bank
Effected: 3/23/10

Premium Finance Company Activity

New Premium Finance Company

Western Premium Finance, Inc.
Approved: 3/24/10

Acquisition of Control

Roberson Family Trust, to acquire control of SnowCrest Funding, Inc.
Filed: 3/8/10
Approved: 3/23/10

Voluntary Surrender of License

Concord Capital Funding, Inc.
Effected: 1/13/10

Credit Union Activity

Bylaw Amendment

Four credit unions received approval for six bylaw amendments during February 2010.

Transmitter of Money Abroad Activity

New Transmitter

World Transfers Inc.
Withdrawn: 3/25/10

Acquisition of Control

M. Lhuillier Financial Services, Inc., to acquire control of Antequera, Inc.
Filed: 3/9/10

Voluntary Surrender of License

Occidente Corporation, U.S.A.
Effected: 3/1/10

Commissioner of Financial Institutions

Bulletin for Month ended
March 2010, issued pursuant
to Financial Code section 258

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