2021 Financial Literacy Resource Fair

Welcome and thank you for visiting the DFPI’s 2021 Financial Literacy Resource Fair web page! Our goal is to share resources and raise awareness about the importance of financial education, especially now with the economic uncertainties caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We want Californians to remain healthy – both physically and financially – during these uncertain times.

This year, we are hosting our annual resource fair digitally, on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, which includes a workshop on financial literacy and highlights a few of the many vendors that promote financial literacy and security. Please check out all of our resources and community partners!

Watch our Financial Literacy Resource Webinar here:

play financial literacy resource fair 2021 webinar


Financial Literacy Webinar Agenda:

  • April 13, 2021, 12:00 pm
    • Welcome remarks
    • Keynote speaker
      • Spike Keil, Community Affairs Specialist, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    • Financial literacy workshop
      • Jackie Wiley, Outreach Specialist, DFPI
      • Tax return fraud, scams, and questions
    • Exhibitor Highlights
      • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission – Los Angeles Regional Office
        • Carol Lally, Supervisory Attorney, Complaints and Inquiries Branch
      • California State Controller’s Office – Unclaimed Property
        • Jennifer Sakamoto, Outreach Analyst
      • California State Treasurer’s Office – ScholarShare 529 college savings plan
        • Dana Salas, Outreach Specialist
      • California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) – Savings Plus retirement program
        • Tiffanie Vick, Outreach & Education
  • Visit our financial literacy partners and exhibitors!

DFPI 2021 Financial Literacy Resource Partners and Exhibitors


DFPI logo

Department of Financial Protection and Innovation

The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) provides a variety of information and resources with a goal providing consumers, like you, with tools essential to make smart financial decisions.

Access our free resources and learn more: www.DFPI.ca.gov/outreach

Seal of state of California

California State Controller’s Office – Unclaimed Property

California’s Unclaimed Property Law requires banks, insurance companies, corporations, and certain other entities to report and submit their customers’ property to the State Controller’s Office when there has been no activity for a period of time (generally three years). Find out if the Controller is protecting property in your name!

More information: https://www.sco.ca.gov/upd_msg.html

CalHr Savings Plus logo

California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) – Savings Plus retirement program

Savings Plus is a voluntary retirement program that allows eligible employees or officers on the payroll of the CA state to supplement their retirement benefits through tax-deferred and Roth payroll contributions. Savings Plus offers a 401(k) Plan and a 457(b) Plan.

Learn more about Savings Plus: https://www.savingsplusnow.com

ScholarShare logo

California State Treasurer’s Office – ScholarShare 529 college savings plan

With ScholarShare 529, you get tax-free growth, low fees, and smart investments from a flexible college savings plan. Getting started is easy: learn about the plan, research investments, and open an account.

Learn more about ScholarShare: https://www.scholarshare529.com/

CA Department of Insurance logo

The California Department of Insurance

The California Department of Insurance (CDI) is the largest consumer protection agency in the state, overseeing more than 1,400 insurance companies and licensing over 250,000 agents, brokers, adjusters, and business entities. CDI also conducts market conduct reviews, resolves consumer complaints, and investigates and prosecuting insurance fraud.

For more information, visit http://www.insurance.ca.gov/.

CDI also administers the California Low-Cost Auto Program (CLCA), a state-sponsored program that makes auto insurance affordable, helping you drive responsibly and legally. You can get more information and see if you qualify, by visiting www.mylowcostauto.com or calling 866-602-8861.

SEC logo

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. The SEC strives to promote a market environment that is worthy of the public’s trust.

As part of that mission, the SEC provides free investor education in a number of forums, including by providing in-person (when permitted) and virtual presentations on investing wisely and avoiding fraud.

Please see the SEC’s investor-friendly website, http://www.investor.gov, which features investor alerts and bulletins and a wealth of financial tools and resources.

For more information, contact Joanne Morris, losangeles@sec.gov or visit www.sec.gov

SSA logo

Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is part of the retirement plan for almost every American worker. It provides replacement income for qualified retirees and their families. We are constantly expanding our online service offerings to give you freedom and control in how you wish to conduct business with Social Security. Today, you can apply for benefits, check the status of your claim or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in many areas), get an instant benefit verification letter, and much more. View our full list of online services.

Contact:  Public Affairs Specialist Wanda Gonzales at Wanda.Gonzales@ssa.gov

AARP logo


AARP is a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age.

For more information about resources in Sacramento, visit https://local.aarp.org/sacramento-ca/.

For more about AARP and find an office near you, visit https://www.aarp.org/

For questions, contact Kris Ritualo at Kritualo@aarp.org

SMP logo

California Senior Medicare Patrol


Our California older adults and persons with disabilities are victimized routinely by fraudsters and scammers who phone, email and text in devious efforts to steal personal and financial information. Many of our seniors and disabled are tricked into enrolling in hospice when not terminal; or answering a telemarketer and disclosing their Medicare number in the hopes of getting a back brace; or signing up for inappropriate health plans. The Senior Medicare Patrol is a robust program that combats fraud and abuse. We protect California’s Medicare and Medi-Cal beneficiaries by providing fraud and scams prevention presentations, a complaint hotline (855-613-7080) and several fraud prevention materials (www.cahealthadvocates.org).

Cal Bear CU logo

California Bear Credit Union

Our mission to our members is to provide the best quality of financial and credit products and services to meet the needs of our members.

We provide products and services at fair, competitive prices, and to invest excess funds in such a manner that the return on those investments will contribute to capital growth and financial stability of the credit union.

We also offer our members a variety of financial tips and advice.

For more information visit https://www.calbearcu.org/.

Contact Judy McFadden 800-954-2327 ext 8996 or jmcfadden@calbearcu.org.

SAFE Credit Union logo

SAFE Credit Union

SAFE Credit Union is a not-for-profit, state-chartered credit union serving the Greater Sacramento region that has made members an integral part of its community vision since 1940. Through SAFE’s Workplace Financial Wellness (WFW) program, SAFE financial education experts have supported employee productivity, retention, and satisfaction for many Sacramento employers, including some of the Sacramento region’s largest, with services tailored for their employees’ unique needs. Insured by NCUA.

To learn how your workplace can benefit from SAFE’s no-cost Workplace Financial Wellness program, visit www.safecu.org/employers.

To access SAFE’s Employee Money Management Toolkit with a myriad of financial literacy tools, such as financial calculators, entertaining blogs, budgeting worksheets, special offers and on-demand learning, visit https://www.safecu.org/dfpi.

To learn more about SAFE, visit safecu.org.

For questions on how to take advantage of SAFE’s no-cost Workplace Financial Wellness benefit, contact Karen Shahhosseini at karen.shahhosseini@safecu.org.

Travis Credit Union logo

Travis Credit Union

At Travis Credit Union, we are committed to helping people take control of their financial lives. Celebrating 70 years of ‘People Helping People’ in 2021, Travis Credit Union’s Awesome Cause was created to change lives and lift communities through financial wellness. For free financial education resources, live and on-demand webinars, and financial coaching through Greenpath, please visit traviscu.org/awesomecause.

Contact: Galen Dobbins, Government Affairs Officer, gdobbins@traviscu.org.

SMUD logo

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is a not-for profit public utility that has been providing our customers with reliable power for more than 70 years.

SMUD offers low-income and residential assistance programs and additional help during the COVID-19 pandemic including:

  • Pay your SMUD bill if you can afford to do so. If you cannot pay the total, then pay what you can, but know this, SMUD will not shut-off your electricity due to payment through June 30, 2021.
  • We are asking customers who are struggling to pay their bills to contact us to make payment arrangements that best works for them at SMUD customer support 1-888-742-7683.
  • Our Energy Assistance Program Rate (EAPR) discount is easier to apply for now for low-income families.

Helpful Links:

Contact SMUD for more information:

Customer Service Center
6301 S St.
Sacramento, CA 95817

Anita Johnson & Associates logo

Anita Johnson & Associates

Anita Renee’ Johnson is the founder of ARJ & Associate, a company she formed in 1996 with the mission to equip women business owners with sound financial advice allowing them to make sound financial decisions.

Money Wisdom for Women (MWFW), founded by Ms. Johnson in 2009, is a spin-off company of ARJ & Associates, whose mission is to equip women with wealth building skills, allowing them to leave a legacy for their children.

Let Anita help you enhance your healthy financial habits taking away fear, anxiety, uneasiness, guilt and so many other unhealthy feelings.

Contact: Anita R Johnson & Associates Inc.
916-253-6444 Office

Operation Hope logo

Operation Hope

Our focus is financial dignity and inclusion. We equip young people and adults with the financial tools and education to secure a better future—coaching them through their personal aspirations and life’s challenges, and facilitating their journey to financial independence.

For more information, visit https://operationhope.org/

Contact Yolanda Butler 925-567-4906 or yolanda.butler@operationhope.org

The DFPI does not endorse any financial companies/organizations, products or professionals listed here. Exhibitors are only listed as educational resources and participants of the DFPI’s 2021 Financial Literacy Resource Fair.

About the DFPI

The DFPI protect consumers against companies or individuals offering financial products and services. The DFPI’s mission is to protect California consumers from unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices as well as financial fraud and scams. To learn more about the DFPI, file a complaint or verify a license, visit our website at: www.dfpi.ca.gov or call toll free 1-866-275-2677.

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Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 @ 3:28 pm