DFPI Survey Procedures

The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) is changing the way it conducts surveys.

The following surveys are conducted using a Web-based software called WorldApp:

  • Executive Officer & Director Compensation Survey
  • Information Technology System Survey
  • Post-Examination Satisfaction Survey

Survey participants receive an email with a link to a questionnaire that is completed online.  Even though the emails are sent by WorldApp, the sender’s email address has a dfpi.ca.gov domain name.  Increasingly, this has resulted in survey emails not being delivered to intended recipients. 

Effective immediately, DFPI survey emails will be sent using the worldapp.com domain name.  In accordance with the Commissioner’s Order on Electronic Communications, survey participants must add worldapp.com to their list of trusted senders. 

If you have any questions about this policy, please email Survey@dfpi.ca.gov

Updated [month/year]