Office Hours
We have virtual Office Hours every Tuesday from 9 – 10 AM Pacific. Ask us anything! Just register in advance

Schedule a Meeting
If you can’t make our Office Hours, schedule a meeting by emailing us or by completing our contact form.

Learn More
Explore how we are a resource to California’s financial tech innovators, entrepreneurs, and consumers.

OFTI’s tips for success
While we can’t guarantee your success, we are eager to hear what you are trying to achieve and to share DFPI resources.
Talk With Us in Beta
Helping us get to know your business is your best first step.
Think Outside of the Box, But Inside the Rules
We help California FinTech business do both.
Turn Trust into Competitive Advantage
We can help you inspire consumer confidence in everything you do.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Does OFTI Do?
We support responsible financial innovation in California by engaging with stakeholders, conducting research into emerging products to identify opportunities and risks, and sharing our findings. If you are a licensee or potential licensee, advocate, or are otherwise interested in financial innovation, we’d love to hear from you. You can contact us at [email protected]
How Do I Request a Meeting?
Contact our office via the contact form, or by sending an email to [email protected]. We are happy to meet with you virtually or in person at our San Francisco offices. We plan to do regional visits! Let us know if you’d like us to come to your area.
Does OFTI Make Rules?
We don’t. To learn more about the Department’s rulemaking process, visit our Rules & Enforcement page.
OFTI Services
We help fintech business grow and develop by forging connections, facilitating collaboration, and coordinating resources.
Regulatory Guidance
OFTI helps fintech entrepreneurs navigate the complex regulatory environment by hearing their issues and connecting them with department resources.
Coordination and Outreach
OFTI serves as a coordination point for fintech-related issues and initiates outreach with various stakeholders.
Regulatory Collaboration
OFTI collaborates with other regulators on matters related to fintech to ensure a coordinated and consistent approach to regulation.
Meet the OFTI Team

Belinda Alcala

Christina Tetreault
Deputy Commissioner

Eva Mireku

Joe Jaramillo
Senior Counsel
Contact Us
Do you have questions about the Office of Financial Technology Innovation?
Contact us for questions about the Office of Financial Technology Innovation.
Please include your contact information with your inquiry.