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Fraud Prevention Virtual Class

Join us to learn information about the Senior Medicare Patrol Program, current Medicare fraud trends, telephone scams, ID theft, cyber/internet scams, and how to report, detect, and prevent fraud.

Shasta Fraud Prevention Fair

Come learn about the latest scams and how DFPI can help you at our resource table at the 6th annual Shasta Fraud Prevention Fair in Redding, CA.

Know Your Consumer Protections

Join AARP California and the DFPI for an interactive online conversation with experts to learn and understand your consumer rights and protections.

Protect Yourself from Fraud with Asm. Diane Dixon (AD72)

The DFPI, in partnership with Asm. Diane Dixon (AD72), will be hosting a Protect Yourself from Fraud and Scams presentation. Learn about the most common scams targeting consumers, how to spot the redflags, and how to protect yourself and others.

Bakersfield College 2023 MESA STEM & PRE-Health Conference

Network with professionals in STEM and Health fields and explore these areas of education and careers. Participants will learn about opportunities in STEM or Pre-Health workshops, a resource fair, and keynote speakers.

Sacramento State University Career Fair

Open to all majors, this event is an opportunity for students and alumni to meet with employers to learn about full-time jobs, part-time jobs and internship opportunities.

Senior Scam Stopper – Camarillo Public Library

Join Assemblymember Steve Bennett and the CSLB, DFPI, and the DOI, to learn how to protect yourself from fraud relating to construction, telephone, insurance, and other topics.