August 27, 1981
Re: Seasonal Place of Business – _________
Dear Mr. _________:
The California Banking Department has just instituted a new policy with respect to the licensing of seasonal (intermittant) places of business.
Under our former policy licenses issued were restricted to the event, and to a specific address. This required a formal relocation application when the event changed sites.
Under our new policy licenses will be issued for the event only. We expect licensees to inform us ten days prior to using the license, stating the event, the address where the event will take place, and the inclusive dates of usage.
Enclosed please find new Certificate of Authority No. __ for the _________ . Please return the old certificate sent to you on August 24, 1981 to us for cancellation.
Other seasonal certificates that have been issued to your bank will be reissued as we are notified of their usage.
Questions may be directed to the undersigned at (415) 557-0559.
Very truly yours,
RICHARD M. DOMINGUEZ Superintendent of Banks
JOHN R. PAULUS Deputy, Licensing & Special Programs