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DBO – Call Report – First Quarter 2017 – State-Chartered Banks with Trust Powers

March 30, 2017


Subject: First Quarter 2017 Call Report

General Instructions

Please read this communication thoroughly for instructions on how to download, input, save and email the First Quarter 2017 call report forms and instructions from the DBO website. If you have issues regarding accessing, inputting to or emailing the form, contact Patrick Carroll at or by telephone at (415) 263-8559. Please contact Thomas Egu at (213) 897-2170 or by email at or Cecilia Fuentes at (213) 897-5345 or by email at with any questions about completing these reports.

Downloading Form 505 – Schedule T – Fiduciary and Related Services

  1. Open in your web browser. To navigate to the form from the DBO home page,, click on “Regulated Industries” in the top navigation bar, then click “Trust Companies and Departments,” then click “Trust Company and Department Forms.”
  2. Scroll down the page and locate the links to the following form. For your convenience, the link to the form is
  3. Click on the link to the form.
  4. If the file/download box appears on your screen, click the open button to open the form in Excel format.
  5. Enter the “Department of Financial Institutions number” in the appropriate place on the report. For your convenience, a list of Department of Financial Institutions numbers can be found at
  6. Complete filling in the form. Name it Form505.xls and save it to a familiar location on your computer.
  7. Print out and keep a signed, executed hard copy of the forms in a file at the bank.
  8. Although trust departments may now send in their call report forms as email attachments instead of hard copies, a signed, executed hard copy of each call report form must be kept in a file at the trust department. This file must be available upon request to examiners during the course of a trust examination.

Submitting Form 505 – Schedule T – Fiduciary and Related Services

After you have prepared the report, send the completed report as an email attachment to Please put your institution name and call date in the subject line of the message. Keep a signed, executed copy in a file at the bank. The report must be emailed by Monday, May 1, 2017.

Call Report Amendments

Banks making amendments to the Schedule T must continue to send a copy of the amendment to this office, as well as filing a hard copy of the amendment in the call report file at the bank. Amendments may be made in Excel format as email attachments.

FFIEC Report Copies

The requirement that banks submit two copies of the FFIEC call report has been eliminated. Please keep a copy of the FFIEC report in a file at the bank. This file must be available upon request to examiners during the course of a bank examination. Banks making revisions to the FFIEC call report must continue to send a hard copy of the revisions to this office, as well as filing a copy of the revisions in the call report file at the bank. Please send revisions to Patrick Carroll at the Department of Business Oversight, 45 Fremont Street #1700, San Francisco, CA 94105-2219. We appreciate your cooperation in furnishing us with accurate information in a timely manner.

Very truly yours,

Jan Lynn Owen
Commissioner of Financial Institutions

Patrick C. Carroll
Strategic Support Manager